Welcome to Friends and Vendors of the NinjaScript Programmer's Launch Pad V8!
On this page you'll find some of my favorite trading and software related companies and concepts. Check out their web sites and tell 'em the Launch Pad sent ya!
If I had only one trading method recommendation to give, emini-watch.com would be it. Barry Taylor, the site's proprietor, publishes videos almost daily about his market views and trading methods, and HE SHOWS HIS ACTUAL TRADES AS THEY HAPPENED! Now, you know it's for real when he does that. And he's good. He also sells a number of very effective indicators like you won't see elsewhere. They're available for quite a few platforms, including NinjaTrader®. Highly recommended.
VSA - TradeGuider 
I am also a fan of Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) and the work of Tom Williams and Gavin Holmes. VSA is an offshoot of Richard Wyckoff's work in the early 1900s. TradeGuider has a number of excellent training videos on their YouTube channel. Two of my favorite trading books are written by Tom Williams and Gavin Holmes of TradeGuider: Master the Markets by Tom and Trading in the Shadow of the "Smart Money" by Gavin. TradeGuider sells a full trading platform and add ons for other platforms like NinjaTrader® and TradeStation.
ConsistentOptionsIncome.com presents an interesting twist on Market Profile that I believe has merit. (See the sidebar at the right for informaiton on Market Profile.) Basically, the twist is that "auctions" are not best discovered on fixed time frames. You should use another method to identify the beginning and end of auctions. John Richardson has a video-based course that describes his technique for identifying auctions on different timeframes. I took the course. I like it. John offers a couple of introductory free videos about Smart Levels via consistentoptionsincome.com. There is an interesting tool for selecting a range of bars representing an auction and then seeing the volume profile representing that auction. You can see the indicator I'm talking about at Rancho Dinero's web site. Financial Algorithms also has one called TPO and Volume Profile Chart - Range Select that looks like it will work.